Jun 14, 2014

I'm alive!

This has been the craziest work week I've had in the past year and a half.

I'm pretty sure I also spent the least amount of time online that I have in a year and half.

I haven't read a single blog or written a single post. And I miss it!

My vacation started at 5pm yesterday and we have lots of fun things planned, but I'm also planning on having some down time so I can get some posts written. (And so I can recharge my batteries!) I have a couple recipes to share and a couple book reviews. I'm also hoping to be able to share some of the adventures we have this week, and some pictures of my beautiful home province.

But for now, my apologies for my lack of commenting and hopefully I'll get caught up soon. :-)

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1 comment:

  1. Have fun!! I also just started my holidays, and have lots of fun stuff planned! I'm looking forward to reading about yours!
