Jun 20, 2014

Favourite Vacation Snap Shots

I've been trying to figure out how much I want to post about my vacation. Part of me wants to share every little detail, and every single picture. Part of me doesn't want to share anything because they're my memories. I've decided to compromise with myself and I'm sharing five of my favourite pictures from the week so far. (A lot of them are portrait orientation, so this post is going to look a million miles long.)

The first one is J and I on the wharf in Lunenburg. I know I've already shared this one, but it's my favourite picture of the two of us from this week. It was the first real day of our vacation and we were so happy to be spending the day together, just us. I really love the colours too, Lunenburg is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a National Historic Site so the downtown core looks like you stepped back in time.

This second picture is Daisy and I at Taylor Head Provincial Park. Not the most flattering picture of me but I love the clouds and the waves rolling in. Earlier that day J tried pulling Daisy down towards the water but she didn't want anything to do with it. Midway through the afternoon she was loving the waves and the wet sand. There's something about walking along the beach that just makes me really happy.

This is J's sister, Rachel and her boyfriend, Jesse at Grand Pre National Historic Site. These two are absolutely precious. I love that they're not actually looking at me in this picture. J was taking a picture using Rachel's camera at the same time so that's where they're looking. I don't actually know Rachel very well, she moved to Florida for university the year before J and I got married. She's come home at Christmas, but it's such a busy time of year that it makes it hard to really spend time talking to people. This week we've spent a fair bit of time with Rachel and Jesse and I've really enjoyed it.

This is J's brother, David and his fiancee, Tracey. They obviously had no idea I was taking this picture. I just looked over and there they were. I love the scenery in the background. We've been spending a bit more time with these two lately and I love it. They're a lot like J and I in some ways. Tracey is a few years older than David, they met at work, and she's the chatty one while he's the listener. J is six years older than David so it's only been recently that he's seen him as someone to hang out with as opposed to just being his little brother.

I love the self-timer on my camera! My camera is propped up on a sun dial (of all things!) on the grounds of Grand Pre National Historic Site. The six of us had a great day together yesterday. We went to the zoo, had a picnic, visited Grand Pre, and checked out a local coffee roastery. Family is very important to J and I and I love that we were able to spend some time with his family during our vacation. (Not gonna lie, I also loved that we were able to spend some time together just the two of us!)

Hope everyone has had a great week, and I apologize for not commenting as much as usual! I should be back on track next week.

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Jun 18, 2014

Wednesday Wishes

The first couple days of our vacation have been wonderful.

On Monday we spent the day in Lunenburg. We went whale watching, saw the Bluenose II, visiting a micro-distillery, and had a delicious supper.

The Bluenose II
On the wharf before our whale watching tour.

Yesterday we spent the day at one of our favourite places, Taylor Head Provincial Park. It was a beautiful, sunny day and even though there were some annoying bugs during the wooded part of our hike we had a great day.

Daisy & I enjoying the Atlantic
I love this shot of J and Daisy on the beach.

Last night we took the ferry from Dartmouth the Halifax with J's sister and her boyfriend and then strolled along the Halifax waterfront. We don't spend nearly enough time exploring our own city.

We stopped on the boardwalk at Sugah for icecream. It was delicious!

I can't believe it's Wednesday though! The time is going by way too fast.
I wish vacation didn't have to end, and I wish Rachel and Jesse were going to be here for a longer visit. (Or that they'd move up here!) Oh, and I wish I had remembered to wear sunscreen yesterday. I'm looking pretty red today.

What are you wishing for today?

Love the Here and Now

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Jun 16, 2014

Grateful Heart Monday

Ember Grey.

Today what I am most grateful for is vacation. I know that it sounds kind of silly, but I love being able to take a week off and recharge my batteries. J and I can't really afford to travel, so we've decided to spend some time exploring Nova Scotia.

J and I out whale watching in Lunenburg earlier today.
I'm also grateful for living so close to the ocean - there is nothing like the small of the salt in the air! And I'm so grateful that J and I were both able to find good jobs here in Nova Scotia so that we don't have to move out west like so many others. J would definitely make more money in another province, but with both of our families here it's just not worth it to us. We'd rather pick away at our debt slowly and be able to spend time with the people we love. There's nothing wrong with packing up and moving away, it just wasn't the right choice for us.

What are you grateful for today?

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