Jan 29, 2015

My Messy House

My house is currently a disaster.

Nothing is where it belongs, and there is dog and cat fur everywhere.

By the time I get home in the evening after work and then make supper all I want to do is curl up on the couch with J and watch TV. And then on my day off I feel like I "deserve" a day to relax and do nothing except read and play on the internet.

I thought about doing PopSugar's 30-Day Cleaning Challenge. It seemed fitting since I'm already doing their 2015 Reading Challenge, but I don't necessarily think my microwave and my oven are the first place to start. I think I need to get the house clean, and then start using some sort of schedule that involves doing one or two quick tasks each night. I've seen some on Pinterest, I just need to find the right one for me. (Or find one that's pretty close to tweak a bit.)

Do you have any tricks for keeping your house clean and tidy?

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Jan 26, 2015

Closet Make-Over

Now that my students loans are almost completely paid off (two more payments!) J and I have decided to start doing some little things around the house. Part of it is because we're hoping to sell within the next couple years and we'd like to make a little money, and part of it is just because we haven't done much since we bought our place three years ago.

So far we've laid new flooring in the living room and dining room, plus we've given the spare room and the office a minor face lift. (Check out the fun I had giving our filing cabinet a new paint job...) The next room we plan on tackling is our master bedroom. But, before we could even start thinking about painting and re-decorating the room needed to be completely re-organized.

We decided to start with the closet and our dresser drawers this weekend. We ran a few errands in the morning, including getting our passport pictures done (yay!) and taking a run to Home Depot to pick out some kind of closet shelving kit. We went with the 5-8' FreeSlide because it looked like the best for our needs, and it was within our budget. (We had a $50 gift card and it was $59.99, so it was perfect.)

We've been horrible lately when it comes to putting our clothes away after we do laundry so we had baskets full of clean laundry everywhere, and most of it wasn't folded. So Saturday evening we threw in a DVD (Mom's Night Out, which was really cute) and started folding and organizing clothes. Of course we had some helpers during our laundry folding. Sydney wanted to play in every basket we opened, and Daisy wanted to knock over every pile of clean clothes she could. Luckily Daisy got tired eventually!

Sunday after church I took a little nap (like I do pretty much every Saturday) and J started putting up the closet organizer. It's a good thing my husband is handy, because the instructions aren't the greatest and they were designed for an 8' closet even though the organizer is for a 5' to 8' closet. Our closet is only 6' so he had to do some playing to get everything in and the way we wanted it. We spent Sunday evening sorting and putting away all of our clothes. We are huge pack rats, but we forced ourselves to throw out anything really ratty and we filled a couple garbage bags with clothes to donate somewhere. By the time we went to bed I was extremely happy with how the closet looked. Now it's time to pick out paint colours!

Mingle 240

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