May 14, 2014

My Favourites

I thought that I would take a minute today to share some of my favourite blogs with you. Some of these ladies I have known for years, others I just discovered very recently. I've been reading a lot of blogs lately as I try to figure out what exactly I want my blog to be, and I just realized I'm now following over 100 blogs on Bloglovin'. I'm definitely not going to tell you about every single blog I read, but I thought I'd pick a few that I really enjoy.

Margaret (aka Sidny) @ Feels Like Home;

First of all, Margaret will always be Sidny to me but that's a long story that you probably don't need to know. We go way back. When I had my own domain I hosted her personal site along with a fan site for a country singer named Memarie. Now we're both blogging again and I love it. Margaret blogs about her life with her pups and her room mate and about her weight loss journey. She's very friendly and open and I definitely think you should check out her blog.

Brittany @ A Coffee Break with Brittany;

I had to include the picture of Brittany & I
with Ryan Malcolm!
Brittany and I met years ago through a Ryan Malcom forum. (Ryan won the first season of Canadian Idol, many years ago!) She actually only lives a few hours away from where I live and we recently saw the Backstreet Boys together in concert. Brittany is a fountain of information when it comes to fashion and beauty products, she also blogs about recipes she's tried and her life in general. She's very laid-back and very open on her blog.

Melanie @ Mellie Anne;
Melanie is someone else I've known since my previous adventures in blogging. She posts about recipes, beauty, music, her life in Philly and her adorable cat, Charlie. She's also super talented and if you're looking for a customer blog design for either WordPress or Blogger you should definitely check her out @ Adorability Designs.

Lauren @ Another Mom Another Blog;
Lauren's blog is a recent find. I connected with Lauren initially because she lives in Colorado and is a big Avalanche fan, like my husband. I've continued reading her blog because I find it so honest and open.

Jenni @ Flying on a Rainbow;
Jenni is another blogger I find to be very real. She's currently undergoing IVF and has been sharing her story. As someone who's struggling to come to terms with the idea of infertility and what it means to me I'm impressed by her willingness to put it all out there.

I think five is enough for today, maybe next month I'll share another five of my favourites! Enjoy your Wednesday. :-)

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  1. Awww love! I have that picture in my room! Thanks for the love hun :) I love your blog too!

  2. What a nice way to showcase other blogs! And what a nice way for us to find new blogs to read :).

  3. Oh wow thank you so much for linking to my blog! I can't wait to check out the other ones you linked to, and keep reading yours too of course! :)

  4. Aww! I just saw this now! Thank you!!! I am going to go and follow all of these ladies now! Excited to find new friends!
